商業 / 商業優惠north sun group

100% 完好工作 靜音 55分貝 大容量存儲,帶8個2.5" SAS/SATA硬盤位。 可支持2粒4核或6核 1366針CPU 支持 SATA SAS SSD Raid Card: 支持 Raid 0 1 5 DVD 光千光驅 博通BCM5716 4 port 千兆 Lan 4個 PCI-E 8X extension slot

本服務中心位於油麻地砵蘭街26號,擁有18 間Studio,全新酒店式裝潢及24小時專人管理。電腦,電器,辦公室用品,個人用品齊。有專人清理服務。 所有電腦,辦公室用品,祕書服務等,位於地下大堂。中心內免費無線上網。 We are located at 26 Portland Street, Yau Ma Tei, Computers, electrical applian

- Have been teaching physics and mathematics for eight years - Familiar with DSE and GCE syllabus - Numerous mock papers are provided - Excellent techniques in presenting abstract physics and math
m教學進修 / 補習martintong

我們榮幸地在2017泰國小丑節FACE PAINT組別獲得亞軍, 為私人派對, 生日會, 公司活動, 商場, 公開活動提供專業面部彩繪, 閃粉紋身服務

Whether it be your musical interest, piano exam preparation, or just out of curiousity, all are welcomed!

包差餉地租、管理費 東涌 海堤灣畔,3睡房,1工人房, 共4房, 3 浴室, 免佣

* Monthly En-suite 月租式套房, 近港鐵站, 交通便利, 包水電費$300, 免費Wi-Fi, 免費房間清潔 150呎 $5,800 *
物業地產 / 住宅出租The Shang Hai 347 Ltd.

我們是香港會計師公會的執業會計師, 提供專業可靠優惠的一站式商業服務. 包括成立公司,會計,審計,企業咨詢,稅務,公司秘書等服務. 多年以客戶角度解決所有問題,獲客戶好評. 詳情請閱我們的專業網頁:
E商業 / 會計及稅務Edward Lau CPA (Practising)

培養學生對視覺藝術、繪畫、素描、水彩、油畫的興趣。 透過色彩、線條和意象的表現手法,建立學生的繪畫技巧及基礎。
教學進修 / 兒童興趣班JW Creative ~ Joseph

Specialized in French examinations' preparation : iGCSE, SAT, A/AS-Level, IB, DELF, etc

To Kwa Wan Office Available. Perfect investment due to two new MTR Stations and Urban Redevelopment.

[ 無印良品 MUJI ] 舒適躺椅 Relaxing Sofa 追求躺下時的鬆弛舒暢感而設計的躺椅。設有可靈活裝著的活動頸枕,讓你毫無負擔地躺著欣賞電視、電影。 Watch television or movies without straining your body, a relaxing sofa that gently supports the body and provides

We do amazing and professional photos, assist you to promote products & spread up your company.
攝影及影音 / 攝影AIMax Productions 大同制作

會計 數學 物理 化學 生物,Private Online tutor,補習導師 iGCSE, Accounting Maths Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics Biology
P教學進修 / 補習Private/ Online Tutoring學生學習

觀塘 藍田,已補地價居屋 建築516尺,兩房, 高層, 開揚, 藍天翠綠山景, 不近馬路, 非常寧靜; 長租$13,500, 短租$14,800, 連全屋傢俱及電器 (包括双人床一張連床褥兩張, 衣柜4個, 沙發, 書柜, 書檯,組合柜, 廚柜, 餐桌, 椅子, 電視機, 電冰箱, 冷氣機, 煮食炉具, 洗衣機, 電飯
物業地產 / 住宅出租黃小姐

- Have been teaching physics and mathematics for more than seven years - Familiar with DSE and GCE syllabus - Provide numerous mock papers - Excellent techniques in presenting abstract physics and ma
M教學進修 / 補習Martin Tong

Learning Putonghua to meet needs for social,work and daily basis.

倫敦大學畢業教英文 Graduated from London University offering private/group English tutoring to any age group. I had resided in the UK for over 10 years and have excellent command of English language to native
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